





1. 服务质量:以顾客满意度为衡量标准,考察SPA场所的服务态度、服务质量、服务流程等方面。

2. 设施环境:考察SPA场所的装修风格、环境卫生、设备设施等。

3. 技术实力:考察SPA师的专业技能、服务经验、手法熟练度等。

4. 创新特色:考察SPA场所的特色项目、养生理念、文化内涵等。



1. 南宁市XXSPA会所
2. 南宁市YYSPA养生馆
3. 南宁市ZZSPA中心
4. 南宁市AAA水疗馆
5. 南宁市BBB养生会
6. 南宁市CCC温泉SPA
7. 南宁市DDD美容养生馆
8. 南宁市EEE水疗养生中心
9. 南宁市FFFSPA会所
10. 南宁市GGG养生馆



1. 水疗养生:通过水疗设备,如水疗池、水疗床等,改善血液循环,缓解疲劳,增强免疫力。

2. 中医养生:运用中医理论,通过按摩、拔罐、刮痧等手法,调节身体机能,达到养生保健的目的。

3. 美容护肤:运用天然植物成分,通过面部护理、身体护理等,改善肌肤状况,延缓衰老。

4. 心灵SPA:通过音乐、香薰、冥想等方式,舒缓心情,释放压力,提升心灵品质。





1. 专业技术:南宁共和路专业按摩店聘请了众多具有丰富经验的按摩师,他们熟练掌握各种按摩手法,能够针对不同人群的身心需求,提供个性化的按摩服务。

2. 环境舒适:共和路专业按摩店装修风格独特,环境优雅,让人在享受按摩的同时,感受到身心放松的愉悦。

3. 药物辅助:部分按摩店还提供中药敷贴、拔罐、刮痧等中医辅助治疗,帮助顾客缓解疲劳、改善亚健康状态。

4. 服务周到:从预约、接待到按摩过程中,共和路专业按摩店的服务人员始终微笑待人,热情周到,让顾客感受到家的温馨。


1. 按摩手法:南宁共和路专业按摩店提供多种按摩手法,如推拿、拔罐、刮痧、足疗等,满足不同顾客的需求。

2. 主题按摩:针对不同人群,共和路专业按摩店推出了一系列主题按摩,如舒缓疲劳、改善睡眠、美容养颜等,让顾客在享受按摩的同时,达到保健养生的目的。

3. 家庭按摩:共和路专业按摩店还提供家庭按摩服务,为家庭成员提供温馨的按摩体验,增进家庭感情。


1. 缓解疲劳:按摩可以促进血液循环,缓解肌肉紧张,帮助消除疲劳。

2. 改善睡眠:通过按摩,可以放松身心,提高睡眠质量。

3. 增强免疫力:按摩有助于提高人体免疫力,预防疾病。

4. 美容养颜:按摩可以促进皮肤血液循环,改善肤色,达到美容养颜的效果。








1. 技师:技师们手法娴熟,对各种水疗项目了如指掌。在按摩过程中,他们会根据顾客的需求,调整力度和节奏,确保每位顾客都能享受到最舒适的体验。

2. 前台:前台工作人员热情周到,耐心解答顾客的疑问,为顾客提供个性化的服务。



1. 按摩:包括中式按摩、泰式按摩、瑞典按摩等,帮助缓解肌肉疲劳,促进血液循环。

2. 水疗:如土耳其浴、蒸汽浴、冷泉浴等,通过水的热力作用,达到放松身心、排毒养颜的效果。

3. 美容:提供面部护理、身体护理、手足护理等,帮助顾客焕发肌肤光彩。

4. 精油护理:采用天然植物精油,为顾客提供身心的舒缓与滋养。










1. 专业培训:南宁专业按摩油压技师均经过专业培训,掌握按摩油压的基本理论和操作技能。

2. 资质认证:具备相关资质证书,如国家职业资格证书、按摩师资格证书等。

3. 经验丰富:从业时间较长,积累了丰富的按摩油压经验,能够根据客户需求提供个性化服务。

4. 良好的沟通能力:与客户保持良好的沟通,了解客户需求,为客户提供满意的服务。


1. 按摩油压:运用手法、技巧,结合油压,缓解肌肉疲劳,促进血液循环,改善睡眠,提高免疫力。

2. 针对性调理:针对不同人群、不同疾病,提供个性化调理方案,如颈椎病、肩周炎、腰间盘突出等。

3. 健康咨询:为客户提供健康养生咨询,指导客户养成良好的生活习惯,预防疾病。

4. 美容养生:运用按摩油压技术,改善肌肤状况,延缓衰老,提升颜值。


1. 专业性强:南宁专业按摩油压技师具备丰富的专业知识和技能,为客户提供高质量的服务。

2. 个性化服务:根据客户需求,提供个性化调理方案,满足不同人群的需求。

3. 安全可靠:采用正规渠道购买按摩油压用品,确保客户使用安全。

4. 环境舒适:南宁专业按摩油压技师通常在优雅舒适的环境下提供服务,让客户在享受按摩油压的同时,感受到愉悦的心情。


The effect of Godsworn’s attempt to disperse the immortal cloud is that it can be dispersed with a gale. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take a cup of tea to disperse the immortal cloud and it will come out again.

At that time, some monks tried to see if the immortal cloud hanging over their heads could be broken, so that everyone would either die or fly to the past.
When the friar rushes into the immortal cloud, the weirdness will happen again.
On how monks rush, they can never rush into the immortal clouds.
When a monk rushes to a height of one foot away from the immortal cloud, it is like pushing the immortal cloud to the top. Generally, there is always a distance of less than one foot.
The friar continued to move to the top, and the impulse was moving, but the friar still didn’t rush into the immortal cloud with great efforts. The strange thing is that if the friar wants to look at it, he will find that the height of the immortal cloud from the ground seems to be the same.
So where did you just rush out of that distance?
A strange and regular immortal cloud, which is completely different from the outside world, enveloped the immortal domain
The three teams surrounded by the immortal cloud have completely lost their connection. The immortal cloud has a very strange isolation ability, and the immortal cloud completely suppresses the monk’s sense of direction and the immortal cloud is completely lost.
The three armies realized the seriousness of the problem and began to find ways to retreat.
But at this time, the monk suddenly found himself lost in the undead cloud.
If you want to leave, you can’t find the direction in the death zone.
The original monks had a strong sense of direction, but the monks were shocked to find that they had been killing back along the route for a long time and still could not find a way out.
Angels, saints, peerless powers can personally explore the azimuth with amazing occult techniques, and come to the conclusion that the undead cloud has the strange ability to reverse the azimuth.
That is to say, the monk who entered the undead domain has no idea where he is and he doesn’t know where to retreat.
I don’t know how many years the three teams have fought in the undead domain, and I don’t know how many undead warriors have encountered. The number of fierce battles is getting less and less.
Finally, the holy brothers of angels were horrified to find that the undead warriors in the immortal cloud can be reborn repeatedly, and their fallen warriors in the immortal domain will become immortal warriors after a while.
The three teams are likely to be wiped out in the undead domain.
At that time, the angels, saints, ancestors and hundreds of high priests launched the great day purification curse at the cost of their lives, and only then did the three armies merge together and finally found the way to retreat
At this time, the angel clan organization expeditionary force has gone from ten to six, with only 40% left.
Even the self-burning in the process of practicing magic was stronger than that of the angel saint. Shou Yuan was greatly reduced, and the angel saint was never recovered.
Since then, the immortal cloud has become a dark cloud with strange smell and color change.
Since then, if the monks of the imaginary family were not forced, no one would dare to wander around the realm of death at will.
Chapter DiErErSanWu No Death Domain
At this moment, Sun Hao took a deep breath in front of the strange liquid undead dark clouds, and his body slowly faded.
Ordinary monks don’t dare to rush and don’t want to rush into the realm of death. For Sun Hao, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they can’t levy a natural barrier.
If you have Sun Hao around Andrew, you should be able to get along well in the domain of death.
However, Sun Hao’s heart center on the edge of the death field felt that there was no information about Andewei.
Either Andrew’s direction is far away or the strange undead cloud affects himself and Andrew.
Wanted to think Corleone didn’t wait for Andrew’s body to fade away, and the ghost body lightly drilled into the undead domain.
The ghost body is pure yin and the body is very cool.
After entering the undead domain, the ghost body still can’t help but hit a cold war. There is a freezing feeling in the undead domain, and Sun Hao’s heart is not slightly awe-inspiring
Don’t death domain edge slightly adapted to Sun Hao slowly drifted into the depths.
After drifting out for a certain distance, looking back, the route has turned into a gray expanse. After thinking about it, Sun Hao drifted back and forth along the route.
Gone with the wind for a long time and failed to float out of the undead domain!
Undead cloud is really weird.
Sun Hao didn’t feel the change of orientation and was unconsciously lost in the undead cloud.
Instead of continuing to explore the secret of the undead cloud, Sun Hao casually found a direction and flew away. There should be some influence in the domain of the Miha family’s undead.
As soon as Brother Miha is able to get in and out of the Death Domain, he must find Miha if he wants to go out in the future.
It is very likely that Miha will wake up this time and feel his position. Then maybe he will become an immortal and a new rich man.
It drifted in for a long time, and the scenery in front began to change.
Generally speaking, the death zone colors are three kinds of black and white, which are between black and white and gray.
No, the biggest feature of the periphery of the death zone is silence.
Quiet and silent.
There are no birds, no animals, and there is no wind at all.
The sky is invariably gray, and the surrounding ground is mostly gray. In some places, it will be burnt and dark, and it seems that traces of war can still be seen. In some places, there will be white ashes or pieces of white bones, both human bones and animal bones.
What makes Sun Hao unaccustomed most is that God knowledge is greatly suppressed.
No, Sun Hao’s knowledge in the domain of death seems to have lost its range of less than one mile.
This allows the gods to find out with overwhelming knowledge that Wan Li Sun Hao feels transient blindness.
It’s not that one’s own gods can’t be released, but that the laws in the domain of death are completely different. If one can’t see through or understand this law, Sun Hao’s knowledge detection distance will never make much progress.
No, the second horror in the death zone is the kind of shady atmosphere, which attacks Sun Hao’s mind, mind and body all the time.
If it weren’t for Sun Hao’s repair and his transformation into an authentic ghost, he would feel quite uncomfortable at this time.
According to the data, when the Sanctuary of Angels was strong, 40% of the monks were rescued, and the situation was still declining rapidly. The root cause was that 40% of the monks were rescued. In the next thousand years, they either fell or degenerated into immortal black angels, leaving less than half of the holy angels.
Sun Hao can feel when he walks through the horse. In those days, the brothers of the angel Saint Zu were afraid that blackening would only occur after being attacked by this kind of place from time to time.
Sun Hao felt a real state of himself during the journey, and his heart settled down a little.
Sun Hao has been practicing the combination of Yin and Yang for so many years * * At this moment, I have seen the effect. The total amount of pure Yin and Yang combination has not been greatly reduced
The key point is that Sun Hao’s practice of training pulse network branches also shows magical effects at this time.
The network branches of arteries and veins are Sun Hao’s own body veins, which have not been affected too much by the undead domain, but still can continuously absorb aura from the outside world to enrich and expand Sun Haoxiu.
In the marginal wilderness, Sun Hao saw the first movable skeleton in the undead domain after drifting for a long time.
Skull wandered through the target wilderness without realizing that he was observing his Sun Hao.
After returning to the Undead domain, the Angel Sage published a lot of information about the Undead domain.
There is an introduction to undead in.
There are many kinds of desolate and mysterious undead in the undead domain, which are as low as pyramids. The number of undead at the bottom is the largest, and the higher the level, the stronger the strength, and the less the number of undead.
The number of undead who can really be born mentally and practice is not large, but an adult immortal monk is a very good commander-in-chief, and many undead warriors will gather around him to dominate the party
The undead at the bottom of the pyramid are skeletons and zombies that Sun Hao has ever seen and fought.
Zombies are better than skeletons in terms of strength.
Skeleton is a skeleton, usually its strength is very limited, but it does not rule out that there is a strong skeleton king with extraordinary strength
Soon after the discovery of the first skeleton, Sun Hao discovered a strange skeleton valley with a gust of evil wind.
The width of a valley has reached more than ten feet, and there is no end in sight.
Looking inside from outside the valley, Sun Hao couldn’t help sighing in his heart.
At first glance, the valley is piled with tens of millions of bones
Bones are not complete, most of them have heads, and most of them have human bones, but there are also many other animal bones.
The channel left by the white bones in the wide valley is less than one foot wide.
The whole valley was pale and white.

When I saw this information, Yip Han was very surprised. Isn’t it a bit exaggerated that more than 30 bases can cover the entire asteroid belt?

However, he continued to look and soon found that it was not a miracle to do this, because the main weapon of those bases was a nuclear warhead-carrying split-guided ultra-long-range solid fuel missile, which was code-named Flash in the North and code-named Thunder in the West.
This kind of missile adopts the first four levels of six-level structure to hurry and the last two levels to pursue the target.
To put it simply, the composite guidance of other modes is that the long-range radar network in the asteroid belt activates the position after finding the target, and the nearest missile flies to the front of the enemy ship’s route through position prediction and missile hitting.
However, in order to prevent the enemy ship’s veering missile from flying halfway through the scheduled voyage, the aircraft will determine the position of the enemy ship again through the radar network, activate the second stage for the second acceleration and adjust the flight direction during the acceleration.
After that, every time the missile has to be re-adjusted to adjust its direction, only in the final sprint stage can the missile seeker lock the target and make the differential guidance technology have a high hit probability.
It’s interesting that half of the missile’s sub-missile heads carry nuclear bombs, and the other half is a screen bomb … When the target enemy ship finds the missile and intercepts it, the flash missile suddenly splits, releasing the screen and launching an impact on the enemy ship. You can imagine how the aliens in the enemy ship feel!
Well, it’s painstaking to have a high hit rate!
Because the interval between launching and hitting the target can be as long as more than one month in special war environment, this kind of missile can not be used as a liquid fuel engine with higher efficiency, but must be used as a solid fuel engine
If the flash missile had an ultra-long range, it would never have been possible for humans to form a defense network covering the entire asteroid belt with more than 30 bases.
However, it is a pity that the alien fleet has been accumulating strength in recent years, and there is no enemy ship breaking into the asteroid belt. The Coalition forces have tried their best to build a defense network. So far, the effect of stopping the flash missile war has remained on paper, but it is simulation data.
The more serious problem is that three years is really too short, and the production resources of Mars are limited. As soon as possible, the defense network will be built, and the Mars fleet will give priority to building missile bases. Due to the lack of resources, the output of flash missiles has not gone.
As a result, many of the more than 30 bases in the plan have been built with missiles in place, but 14% of them are designed, which is far from meeting the design standards.
Mars’ current production capacity will be one to two years before it can replenish the remaining missiles and make the asteroid belt defense network meet the design standards.
Which ChengXiang soil outside the second fleet just catch up with this time!
Chapter 161 Border blockade
The lag of asteroid belt defense network construction is also directly related to Jupiter defense network construction.
You know, at that time, the asteroid belt did not directly face the alien fleet, and the planned Jupiter defense belt ushered in the first impact of aliens before the foundation stone was laid.
Although the expedition campaign severely hit Jupiter’s aliens, they either hid for tens of kilometers or hid for dozens of kilometers. The deep-water expedition fleet could not finish destroying Jupiter’s enemies.
Shortly after the battle, signs of alien activity appeared on the surface of Ganymede to prevent the enemy from resurging. The joint command decided to give priority to building Jupiter’s defense network, and all personnel and materials were inclined to Jupiter’s defense network
In this way, the missile bases in Jupiter’s direction were built one after another, which quickly formed the initial defense network and long-range missiles blocked Jupiter.
In order to save resources, the first batch of missile bases in Jupiter’s direction, the outer satellites of Callisto are mainly Io-10 and Himalia satellite group, with a semi-long axis of 12 million kilometers, a total of five satellites and 12 missile bases.
There are some technical links to block Jupiter missile flash, but the structure is not as complicated as flash, and the range is much shorter than flash.
He noticed the information that the technical difficulty of those missile bases lies not in the missiles but in the bases!
Yip Han made a special investigation and found that the missile base is either not complicated or an integrated automatic weapon system including detection, locking, launching and other functions. For the current technical level of mankind, there is no pressure from design to completion. The real trouble is how these base forces!
It is impossible for human roots to be built by those barren satellites. There are no conditions for the development of the roots. The only profitable equipment is the pool.
Automatic missile bases are big, and no matter how advanced, high-energy pools can’t last long. The only way is photovoltaic pools.
Ye Han knows that Jupiter’s light level is four percent of that of the earth. In order to get enough power, it is necessary to increase the number of photovoltaic cells, and the photovoltaic cells must be placed on the surface of satellites that can receive sunlight. Thus, photovoltaic cells have become shortcomings and weaknesses of missile bases.
The threat comes from two aspects. First, laying a photovoltaic pool in a large area will inevitably attract the attention of aliens, while the goal of long-range missiles is that alien warships need aircraft large enough to attract the attention of automatic control. If aliens land small spacecraft on the system, the missiles may not be activated.
In order to protect the photovoltaic pool, the Coalition forces had to add an extra batch of medium-range and short-range missiles to prevent aliens from landing on satellites.
Another power comes from Jupiter’s powerful radiation belt, which is one of all equipment in the natural enemy missile base. Equipment must be sealed in the radiation-proof shell.
The influence of strong radiation on radar is more serious. Ordinary radar can’t operate normally near Jupiter, but the effect of high-power radar is not very good. Finally, the complex optical lens has to capture the target and the laser radar locks the target to solve this thorny problem.
It may be that human actions have attracted the attention of aliens. Shortly after the delivery of the first phase of Jupiter’s defense network, an alien fleet composed of three warships tried to leave, but this fleet was intercepted by the defense network at a long distance while it was still accelerating. Three alien warships were destroyed by long-range missiles one after another.
The actual combat effect of the defense network has been initially proved, but it takes three to five missiles to destroy an enemy ship. According to the calculation of 16 missiles at each base, there are 192 missiles in the whole defense network, and it is necessary to be willing to pay a hundred warships at a time. Aliens can break through the defense network at any time!
The original Jupiter defense network was designed by man, but after many problems, the Coalition forces had to give up the man-made plan and set out to form the Jupiter fleet
Against Jupiter, the alien fleet is the second of Jupiter’s fleet, and its first reality is to maintain the normal operation of Jupiter’s defense network
The Coalition forces also intend to build a multi-functional comprehensive fleet base integrating supply, maintenance and manufacturing with the Jupiter fleet of Europa with a diameter of 170 kilometers.
Jupiter’s fleet has made all the preparations to build the base, but due to the shortage of raw materials, the base is still on paper … Jupiter’s fleet has chosen its position for several years, and now it is the anchorage of the fleet and no warships are parked there.
There is unconfirmed news to the effect that Jupiter’s fleet has the idea of self-reliance and plans to dig and build a base in the future, and I don’t know if this is true.
Later, Jupiter made several temptations to the aliens, but there were fewer human bases and fewer alien warships, and Jupiter’s fleet assisted several conflicts, all of which ended in human victory. Humans successfully blocked Jupiter.
Later, more and more enemy warships and Jupiter’s defense network became more and more perfect, and the missile base expanded to the Yanak satellite group … The semi-major axis of this satellite group was about 20 million kilometers, and Jupiter was a little far away, so we had to make the missile have a longer range and simply replace the flash missile in the later stage.
Later, the Coalition forces recognized that it was not necessary to continue to expand the defense network outward, and strengthened the strength of the defense network with one heart. The number of missile bases has grown from twelve to twenty-seven, and now Jupiter’s defense body has gradually formed.
Jupiter’s last probe failed in December, 34, and finally made Jupiter’s aliens realize the reality. They had to choose to hibernate for more than two years. Not only did they stop sending warships, but even servants and giant worms rarely appeared on the surface of the satellite.
However, the Coalition forces all agree that the enemy can’t give up. They are accumulating strength. Aliens’ abnormal ship-building ability makes hundreds of warships in two years just like playing.
The allied forces have never dared to relax and have been strengthening Jupiter’s defense forces, not only increasing the number of missiles, but also gradually strengthening the strength of Jupiter’s fleet.
Now Jupiter’s defense network is not what it used to be. Its core blockade radius is 12 million kilometers, and the farthest blockade distance is 20 million kilometers. If you want to break through the defense circle blockade, you have to pay a heavy price of at least 300 to 400 warships.
This is the price of breaking through the defense network. If the strength of Jupiter’s fleet is included, the enemy will have to pay another one to two hundred warships.
Chapter 162 Key position
Jupiter’s data is indeed a bit large, but it is completely understandable.
Jupiter’s mass is high, and the gravitational pull-off speed is as high as 60 kilometers per second. No matter which side of the fleet wants to leave Jupiter’s arms, it needs enough time to accelerate.
To be more specific, Io’s revolution speed is in the early 17 kilometers; Europa’s revolution is less than 14 kilometers per second, and Ganymede is less than 11 kilometers.
After taking off from these satellites, alien warships must spend enough time slowly raising their speed to 60 kilometers per second before they can leave Jupiter. The acceleration process is not usually long, and you can’t leave Jupiter for a month!
Such a long acceleration process has given the defense network sufficient interception. When intercepting, it is necessary to have enough missiles and organize interception again and again.
The success rate of interception will be greatly increased if the alien fleet accelerates its flight orbit with one heart; On the contrary, maneuvering evasion will inevitably affect the acceleration efficiency, thus greatly increasing the time of leaving Jupiter’s gravitational circle
For aliens, the matter and evasion are simply two paradoxes of legal choice.
In this case, Jupiter’s defense network may not be able to destroy the enemy at one time, but it will definitely have a good chance to nibble away slowly.
If there are too many enemy warships beyond the interception capacity of the defense network and Jupiter fleet, the Coalition forces can also organize human fleets in the asteroid belt to support Jupiter
Generally speaking, it is difficult for human beings to completely destroy aliens in the direction of Jupiter, but blocking the enemy should not be a problem.
There should be no problem with Jupiter’s direction, but Wu Han decided to send Yue Fei to Jupiter at this juncture, which made Yip Han very puzzled and asked Wu Han his own questions.
"This is because you know that Jupiter’s direction is unclear!" Wu Han knocked on the desktop with his fingers. "The Yue Fei was sent to Jupiter because the Second Fleet outside Turkey took the initiative to disperse the whole fleet shortly after the expeditionary force set off. What does that mean?"
"white!" Yip hon immediately replied, "Our warships have strong comprehensive combat capability, and there are a large number of enemy warships. This is a multi-point breakthrough in quantity, quality and quantification."
The expeditionary force has 27 capital ships at the very most, all of which are left to help the enemy twist into a rope, and it can gain certain advantages by virtue of its range, but the enemy has scattered more than 20 warships. Which one should we chase?
Wu Han affirmed Yip Han’s judgment: "We must admit that the enemy is really playing beautifully, but through this observation, we can recognize that some enemy ships are not the earth and rescue the trapped Jupiter enemy. You also know that Jupiter has been surrounded for so many years and must have saved a lot of warships. If the enemy breaks the blockade and releases the trapped enemy, then we will be too passive."

Seeing this situation, the commander looked calmly and ordered

"My action commander ordered the start of [conventional antimatter star bomb]!"
"Target setting [Sun] …"
The so-called [conventional antimatter star bomb] is literally described.
It is made of high-purity antimatter by special technology.
Each one is powerful enough to smash the conventional [planet] and plunge the surrounding area into turmoil!
Including big is not limited to many [planets] collide with each other!
And this kind of weapon of mass destruction is undoubtedly prohibited.
Unless it is specially authorized, it will almost be detonated!
But now facing the unbreakable defense of the sun …
Fortunately, the commander stopped leaving his hand and took out the idea of smashing the other side if he couldn’t grab something.
[The command has been received, and the verification is limited …]
[Verification completed]
[Target locked at a distance of 33 light years …]
In one report after another
The huge main shipyard was heavily wrapped somewhere, and rows of indicator lights were also lit up.
That means that things in China are being activated quickly …
Wait until all the indicators are on.
A slender launch track automatically appears nearby and enters the active state.
Then there is the harsh and charged fluorescent light flying out of the object rapidly …
After physical acceleration at sub-light speed level
That [conventional antimatter star bomb]
At top speed, I plunged into a small wormhole that was hit on the spot!
And then
See the distant star Tathagata search for a.
It’s like a moon shadow in a disturbed well
Then the red light exploded …
In that absolute violence
The exist huge gravitational field is forcibly destroyed.
Even the strange phenomenon has been exerted, and it has been distorted.
It’s as harsh as being mixed with a lot of turbid pigments …
Chapter 1219 Nai retreat
Looking at the distant scene, the commander’s eyes looked very serious.
Because he knew that if he couldn’t blow up that array [conventional antimatter star bomb]
Then there is a high probability that this expedition will be ended in an anticlimactic manner.
This is not without more powerful weapons to try.
But the dangers of those weapons are too great to be estimated.
One does not pay attention.
You might have a really big problem.
For example, the destruction of some ancient literature or the whole interstellar disaster implicated many forces, which led to multiple accountability
Even he can’t easily move those weapons.
Although he has limited use of those weapons at other levels, he can apply for one in the past
But whether it’s worth it becomes a new question …
After making that big noise, even if we grab the site, it is estimated that there is nothing left, and there is a high probability that various forces will intervene under different excuses afterwards to force a share.
One for you and one for me.
In the end, it was a waste of time …
Think of those situations commander in the mind is also a little nai.

When the ferret saw this, he thought that he would be invisible to prepare to kill those tails, while the four generations of Shui Ying asked him to deal with it!

Sure enough, Yagura’s goal is never to cut that big knife again!
"Don’t cut your life and leave a dagger!" Yagura’s direct three-tailed ability directly absorbed the hidden art of never cutting fog again, and he was very restrained in never cutting again!
"Can’t afford to finish cutting? It is worthy of being three tails! " Then I stopped looking and couldn’t find the ferret. I guessed that the ferret could intercept those tails!
"I just want to try four generations of adults, too!" Say that finish directly holding beheaded broadsword with a forward momentum toward four generations of Shui Ying beheaded in the past!
The four generations immediately blocked the beheading broadsword with their own weapons, and the intersection of the two weapons directly brought up a bunch of Mars!
"Four generations, your strength is good, but this is no good!" If you don’t chop again, quickly withdraw the broadsword and chop directly. Don’t look at the size of the beheading broadsword. Actually, if you don’t chop again, you won’t feel those encumbrances when you finish. The body tenderness is quite good. With the broadsword, you won’t feel heavy when you finish. On the contrary, you still feel a little smart. Four generations of Shui Ying were chopped directly without wiping for a while. Of course, the reaction speed of the four generations was also very fast, but the body clothes were still cut off.
The ferret just cleaned up those scraps and came to support him. It happened that he saw this scene. The ferret wondered if the four generations of Shui Ying were really so weak. You can’t even beat it if you don’t cut it again I am very confused and look at it again!
Look at this time and don’t cut his waist again. I don’t know when it has been cut out by four generations. Now blood splashes directly! The skunk saw this situation and immediately joined the battlefield!
"Fire dun Hao fireball!" A huge fireball flew past four generations of Shui Ying!
Four generations immediately fell back when they saw this situation, and then quickly switched to the bijuu form-the three-tailed form took the fireball away with a slap!
"Leave me alone, you go! That’s the strength of his three tails. You can’t beat three tails! " Don’t chop, hold the tree and persuade the ferret to leave quickly!
The situation in bijuu Four generations of Shui Ying directly felt that the presence was the biggest threat to himself, so it was a skunk. After all, that person who had seen sharingan gave Yagura a very unpleasant feeling! Without thinking, shout at top of your voice. Bijyudama directly condensed and shelled the ferret!
The skunk went straight out of the kaleidoscope, and sharingan flew to four generations of Shui Ying! Can make the three-tailed state Yagura know that it can’t be hit directly and dodge the dark flames at high speed! I am very surprised at the fighting ability of ferrets. It turns out that this kid is really strong. He hasn’t seen who forced bijuu to be like this for four generations.
It’s no hurry for the ferret to see the sky being dodged. The flame of the sky will slowly surround Yagura! When Yagura saw something was wrong, he immediately bombarded the ground with a large number of chakra, trying to blast a way out from those flames, but the flying gravel wore immortal black smoke and splashed down on Yagura’s body, and immediately the burning smell burned Yagura crazy. A large number of water escape ninja skills broke out in chakra, bijuu, and it was released instantly! And the three-tailed roar also made the village notice the battle here!
If you don’t take a look at this situation, you will know that many people may come.
"Let’s go! The enemy reinforcements are coming!"
"hmm!" The skunk panting consumes so much chakra that he can’t stand it himself. After that, he doesn’t forget to send two celestial torches to four generations of Shui Ying, and then no matter what happens to him, he directly grabs the beheading broadsword and goes away with it!
In a short time, the ninja in Wuren Village rushed over, and they saw that the battlefield was burnt in a mess, and a layer of skin was shed and Yagura fell to the ground with his eyes closed.
"Lord Shui Ying!"
No one noticed that a little turtle crawled into the water, and when those people went back with Yagura’s body in their arms, a whirlpool came out with dirt!
"I really want to help them with their ass!"
"Your people are really good!"
"No more waste, but that big knife is still very good!"
"What about picking it up?"
"Now that we have killed Shui Ying, let the shark clean up those families and let them rest first!"
"Three tails? Just let it go? "
"Now Sanwei has no strength at all. Even if it is absorbed, it will not increase the strength of the heretical golem. Let him recover freely. We need to know where he is. When the time comes, we will recycle Sanwei. Anyway, it will be easy for Sanwei to get rid of it!"
"That’s right, then I’ll inform the mackerel to start action!"
"Rightness orochimaru also appeared here? Do you know what he is doing? "
"Well, what’s wrong with him now? He probably came to look for the blood-step. After all, the two largest blood-step families in the water country are rebelling. I don’t think orochimaru, a forbidden researcher, wants to let go of these research materials! "
"Well, forget it. Let’s not meet him first. If we meet him, let’s avoid him. I also want to see what the hell orochimaru is doing!"
"Don’t worry, orochimaru didn’t eat less fog during World War III. Now it’s revenge!"
Chapter 41 Snake Uncle Action and Shu Maoxin Ninjutsu
When a person, especially a child, falls into loneliness and hunger, orochimaru’s magnetic and seductive voice is that no one can resist the special variation of ice shield blood-crystal shield ninja red-violet now encounters this thing as if it came from the sky. The tall uncle handed himself food and water with a smile and gently asked himself that his face was kind and made red-violet think of his mother in an instant, but her mother had died in the chaos of the country!
"Kid, what’s your name? Don’t worry, eat slowly, uncle, there are still here! "
"My name is red-violet! Uncle, who are you? " Little red-violet stare big eyes looking at orochimaru!
"My name is orochimaru. You can call me orochimaru’s adult, so would you like to come with me? After eating and sleeping! You will never be hungry again, and you will never live on the streets again! "
"I do!" Red-violet can’t wait to answer that she hasn’t eaten for many days, and now she meets a hundred thousand people who can support themselves and are willing to follow him!
"Well, let’s go together when you’re finished!"
Orochimaru came to the hidden family place to see if there were any good ice shield seedlings to take home for self-cultivation. I didn’t expect to meet a crystal shield kid, which made orochimaru very happy, so that his forbidden art research could go further!
Then a waterfall in orochimaru Shuiguo rested and found a kid swimming freely in the water. Seeing his state, orochimaru immediately thought of the former ninja-Hohzuki Mangetsu, who obviously had some kind of two-person ability with him!
"What’s your name, kid?"
"Uncle, who are you? You should introduce yourself first! " Shuiyue is still very proud. Of course, like Sasuke, he is a person who is addicted to the glory of his family.
"My name is orochimaru. May I have your name now?"
"My name is Uncle Hohzuki Suigetsu. What can I do for you?"
"I want you to come with me!"
"Don’t talk big. I’ll go with you if you can beat me or I’ll go with you if you can catch me!"
Orochimaru was not angry at all and asked with a smile, "Really?"
This smiling eyes see hidden in the mind a burst of hair.
"Of course, I have inherited the honor of a ghost lantern. Can a man keep his word?" Here his voice just fell and there orochimaru nodded, while Red-violet pinched a seal directly. Hidden immediately seemed to be put into a fish tank and caught directly!
"You see, you were arrested by my hand before I shot!"
These days, during the journey, orochimaru has begun to teach red-violet how to make her own strength! Hidden nothing to say, after all, I opened my mouth, and I can hold my nose and go directly with the real orochimaru.
Orochimaru Kidnapping Brigade is already halfway through! All the way, except for Honglian and Shuiyue, everyone was sent to the nearest base by him. If you want to say who has the most base among Huoying, of course, it is our great snake uncle’s snake nest, which is all over the country, from the north and south of the river to the east of Wuyin Village to the west wind country, and finally to the whole Muye snake nest! This is why uncle snake can study the origin because there are not so many children and so many experimental materials. How can uncle snake’s research go against the sky?
The last place of Snake Uncle Shuiguo is the Huiye clan. There is a child named Kimimaro Kimimaro who has been raised as an animal in the family, living in the worst house, eating the least food and doing the most tiring work. It can be said that when he was a teenager, he was simply a pig and a dog.
Huiye clan’s war in Wuyin Village has caused many families’ hidden genocide, telling Huiye clan that if they want to live in Wuyin Village, they must go all out to fight, but there is a strange place for Huiye clan, and almost no one can control their hearts. Once desire to kill sees blood and kills his eyes in the battle, is it endless?
What’s even worse is that young Kimimaro has activated the skeleton vein since he was a child because of his excellent veins, so a bunch of people in the family are jealous. Every time when it comes to fighting, they will be used as human shields and become the main attacker. The family has infused him with ideas, that is, the family needs him and he wants the family to work hard! And once there is no fighting, he will be put under house arrest because of his horrible talent!
This day, his fate ushered in a new change!
Wuyin Village attacked Huiye clan who had fallen asleep before dark. Huiye clan was arrogant and didn’t arrange any guards. Then one by one, they were stabbed in the heart and cut their throats by the enemy, and their houses were burned to ashes! The top of orochimaru Mountain has been silent for a long time, witnessing this once glorious Shui Ying era family! At this moment, orochimaru thought of the exterminated Uchihiro gens are all the same, and the fighting nations are all the same! What orochimaru also thought of the whirlpool gens! Orochimaru couldn’t help asking, isn’t there a long-term family?
No one answered orochimaru’s words. The two children around him still don’t know what family is. They want to eat and drink with good people.
Orochimaru Huiye clan found the child in the cellar, and the information told him that the child was a genius!
"Kimimaro, I need you. Can you come with me?" Orochimaru talked directly with the child who was dirty in the cellar.
"What need me?"
"I want everything from you!"
"What’s your name?"
"My name is orochimaru!"
"Well, I promise you that I will go with you!"
Orochimaru was very happy to hear Kimimaro’s answer. He personally opened the cellar window and directly took him out and patted Kimimaro’s head.
"Come on, let’s go home!"
This is probably the nicest thing Kimimaro has ever heard!
Since then, orochimaru’s hand has been closed! Orochimaru thought to himself, Shu Maojun, I must build a team more powerful than your Hao team.
Orochimaru spent nearly four months with these children before and after, and finally returned to Tianguo Base.
"Well, you can rest here. After that, this is your home. After that, the food will be delivered on time. The front hall is where you train and fight, and here is where you sleep." orochimaru pointed to those huge iron cages. Now these are specially prepared for these kids! Children don’t know anything when they are young. It’s grateful to know that someone is kind to them. orochimaru’s way of raising them is that snakes raise their offspring. To put it bluntly, it’s also a way of life for animals. But good children don’t dislike these things because they don’t know anything!
From Payne’s birth to Shuiguohang orochimaru, this experience is very numerous and great. Although he is a peripheral hunter, orochimaru has to say that he still earned those children this time. If it weren’t for the Shuiguohang War, he would have succeeded easily.
Finally, to his delight, Konoha didn’t know about the chaos in the water country, and even Konoha of New Shui Ying Taiwan didn’t know about it, except for Shu Mao!
After four months of training, these kids have changed dramatically. Now Shu Mao has finished fighting Kakashi, and even if he makes Ninjutsu Kakashi, he doesn’t have any advantage, because the abnormal Shu Mao has created a set of Ninjutsu-Phoenix Column!
Abnormal phoenix column doesn’t say it’s the fire attribute, but chakra added the wind attribute in Pit Dad Tree Mau, which led to the first attempt to directly burn the two wooden houses in the practice residence. Fortunately, the silence also went to the waterfall to practice, otherwise it would definitely hurt!
And such abnormal ninjutsu directly scared those who took the waterfall to practice, causing everyone to be rushed by the waterfall to challenge Naruto. The ninth process was interrupted directly and at the same time, as well as Zhinai Sasuke Kakashi and Asma! These guys all challenge their current difficulty on the same day!

At that time, the five big bosses thought that the casualties of Qiyun Society were caused by the holy jury, and some clues obtained by those bastards and wise men also pointed to the priest. They had to think so.

The second time I saw the mysterious boss, the truth came out. It turned out that the boss felt that Qiyun Club was too messy to show his skill and enhance the cohesion of Qiyun Club. However, it was daunting to understate and clean it.
Let the five bosses feel at ease. This mysterious boss is secretly manipulating and forcibly kneading the five of them together, but he has no mind to manage the club. No matter what the other party’s purpose is, this is their chance.
After the mysterious boss announced the truth that the club had been purged, he instructed the five of them to take over a batch of materials. When they saw the container, even if the five underworld bosses were well informed, they could not help but become extremely excited.
Sixteen times the front ten boxes of the container are filled with blue gold utensils and precious metal ornaments, while the back six boxes are filled with weapons such as laser swords and chain light armour.
Those blue gold utensils and precious metal ornaments can be seen as stolen goods at first glance, but mafia bosses have channels to sell stolen goods in one way or another. Are they afraid of these things hitting their hands? Digest slowly and safely at most.
The container is three meters high and two meters wide, but it is still a huge fortune for Qiyunxing. The five mafia bosses have paid equal attention to kindness and prestige, but the gold content of kindness and prestige is too high, even if there is any infidelity, they will be completely suppressed after seeing this wealth and equipment.
The mysterious boss appeared for the third time, but it helped Qiyun Society through a disaster. Several churches in Qiyunxing found that the sales channels and smuggling channels were slowly being embezzled by the outside world. Naturally, they did not sit still but took a fierce counterattack.
That battle was bloody, and it completely put Qiyun Club on the opposite side of the Sanzong Jury. This is not a good thing. Fortunately, the interstellar situation seems to have changed recently, and the Sanzong Jury has not sent experts to destroy Qiyun Club.
Just thinking that a luxury airship landed on the top of the building, the tall and straight figure lightly landed on the marble floor, and the five mafia bosses immediately stood up and looked solemn as the soldiers being reviewed.
Volume 14 eventful! Elite Chapter 29 Black Hand
The middle-aged man with pale temples scanned the five mafia bosses. He looked like a calm lake without any disdain or arrogance. It really made people fear, not arrogance, but indifference to the extreme.
The five bosses felt that their hearts kept tightening. They seemed to be drenched with water, and the chickens to be slaughtered could not resist at the moment.
To achieve this position, the five mafia bosses have more or less repaired their eyesight. They know that newcomers seem to exert mental coercion and can create mental coercion figures at will. It is definitely not that the five of them can compete. Only such figures can quickly integrate Qiyunxing Mafia and take out large amounts of stolen goods.
"Five people, when I come to Qiyunxing to stay for a while today, you should arrange your accommodation as soon as possible. It’s best to be quiet and don’t let those irrelevant people walk around. Is there any movement in the church recently?" The middle-aged man naturally exudes a frightening momentum when he stands with his hands in the air, saying that he has achieved great achievements in spiritual practice.
"Eldest brother is really a stranger. When we arrive at our five-person site, it is equivalent to getting home. Don’t worry, we will definitely prepare the best environment for you. If you have any instructions, just let me know," said Dwarf Wax gourd, the same boss, first of all.
"Hey hey boss you still visit the younger brother site! Dwarf wax gourd this person is very tacky root don’t know what is called interest and style, he is going to those chicks are the acquired goods and I’m different, is to choose young girls from local schools to ensure fresh and delicious "the highest pick Mafia bosses quickly took over.
"I said cucumber strips, you have to be right with me, right?" Dwarf wax gourd touched the shiny forehead and looked at the tall mafia bosses. There was a lot of disagreement and they fought.
"Hum, sometimes if you don’t practice well, you will lose your life when you are against the enemy. See how you can enjoy yourself. I don’t want you five to die. Living is more valuable than dying. It is possible to carry out an extremely difficult plan for a month, but you will never be worried about your life behind the scenes. It’s up to you whether to wash your hands or continue to integrate your forces. Or I will give you a few retired battleships to run and ship. To tell you the truth, it is nothing in my eyes, but it can change you. Fate is like choosing one’s own choice. Let’s talk about it for the time being today. "Indifferent middle-aged people lift their feet and walk to the ladder. Every step he takes, his body seems to be erratic and his surroundings become blurred."
Five bosses have different ideas. One can take out a few retired battleships at will and give them to the owner. What powerful forces are hidden behind him? The rule of interstellar victory is to follow the strong. They are just one place. Some famous underworld leaders are not comparable to those small and medium-sized nobles. Why don’t you climb this big tree quickly?
Middle-aged people seem to disclose a few words to make five mafia bosses give up all the bottom lines in their hearts and decide to attach themselves. Even if they bring Qiyun Club into the fire pit, it doesn’t matter. Then again, can the five of them resist at this time?
The next day, the atmosphere of Qiyun Club changed, and five mafia bosses became scattered money boys. They took out their savings for many years and began to grow. All those idle gangsters in society collected flags and then went to several churches to make trouble with mafia industries. They did not openly deal with the Shengzong Jury, which was a whale-swallowing mafia force.
The middle-aged man with pale temples is naturally disguised as Lin momo. Sometimes age is also an advantage. Brother Wu looks like he is over forty, so his actual age is likely to exceed 100 years old and even reach 200 years old.
The five mafia bosses in front of this "old monster" are almost grandchildren. They call themselves younger brothers, which is equivalent to raising their own value. Brother Wu is more cruel than Lin Sisuo, and the master has the power to kill and seize.
Four questions will be rewarded. Qiyun Club received a large amount of capital investment and immediately expanded its potential. In five days, it merged Qiyunxing with all underworld forces, including the church names, and those tangkou were also robbed.
What time Lin momo ordered Qiyun club to make moves? There is a reason. Three months ago, Mu Feixue and Mu Feiyan, the sisters of the Second Galaxy, made a breakthrough. Speaking of it, it is still beautiful.
Yan Shuang, the widow of the former owner of the Second Galaxy Wooden House, is ambitious. It is because she knows that she has ambitions that the owner will trap her for many years. I hope that the ambition can be diluted when I hope that the Second Galaxy Wooden House will elect the owner soon.
As a result, Lin momo broke into the wooden Buddha’s emotion and let Yan Shuang leave Moyun Port and take the Phantom of the Opera back to the second galaxy to make waves in the dark, trying to recapture the artifact and arrange for her to succeed the householder.
And Mufeixue and Mufeiyan were unconsciously cloned. This tone is really hard to swallow. They attacked the red storm of the second galaxy with their hands. After all, the first galaxy could not find the object to vent on.
Half a year seems not short, but for Brother Wu’s vast interstellar world, it is very short, just enough for the two Mujia sisters to mobilize their strength to make a blow. The front is repression and no substantive action is taken.
The problem has arisen: Mufeixue and Mufeiyan have a lot of words in the first galaxy, but they need local forces to guide them in the second galaxy. However, the second galaxy is in a state of division and is lukewarm to the main family.
In addition to Yan Shuang, no one saw that this was an opportunity. At the beginning of the solid wood flying snow and the wooden swallow action, Lin momo’s letter had been handed over to Yan’s hands.
Somehow, everyone had an intersection. Even though Lin momo used to be overcast, Yan Shuang did those tricks on Monica and Lilith, which made Lin momo very unhappy. The former feud between the two sides was even.
No eternal friend has eternal interests. Lin Sisuo gave Yan Shuang Yi a potion, which is a combination of dream recovery potion and Yan Shuang blood sample. The antidote can greatly relieve Yan Shuang’s pain.
Yan Shuang is really tenacious. After the fleet left the Second Galaxy for several years, it has been looking for trouble from all gods. She has never given up on the lost wooden artifact. After receiving Lin momo’s letter, she thinks it is a way and can get close to the wooden princess, which is of great help to the future plan.
The old temptress won’t thank Lin momo for pointing out that the two sides are mutually beneficial. If it is in her interest, it is worth taking action. The forces of Mufeixue and Mufeiyan enter the second galaxy and are warmly received by Yan Shuang.
Mu Feixue and Mu Feiyan have been very busy recently. Instead of going to the Second Galaxy in person, they sent their confidants around them to see the results, and the process was carried out by the face people.
Yan Shuang played a reasonable and slick red storm. The second galaxy was founded in secret, and the organization of gods contributed the most. These two forces are more or less connected with each other. The Yan Shuang guided Mu Fei Xue and Mu Fei Yan Hui’s fleet to attack the stronghold, which has the share of the organization of gods.
Take the lead and leave. The organization of all gods joined the war. At that time, the second galaxy was very lively. Yan Shuang concentrated on developing for several years, and her burning ambition made her a little crazy.
A pot of hot oil is thrown into the flame. Is there a good result? Mu Fei Xue and Mu Fei Yan just wanted to teach the red storm some lessons, but they didn’t want to tell the fleet to complain to them. The second galactic red storm was too severe.
Yan Shuang is too wicked to choose the target every time, and the organization of gods is also abruptly set in. How clever are Mu Feixue and Mu Feiyan? They soon learned the details, and the two sisters still had some emotional foundation to sit together, so as soon as they got together, the aunt Yan Shuang contacted them immediately.
At the moment, Yan Shuang’s madness is almost over because of Lin momo’s preparation of drugs. Instead, she is quite good at calculating the old temptress

Hurriedly got up from the stool, Wu Yanqing skillfully walked behind the counter and greeted the kitchen.

"Don’t keep the guests waiting for half a catty of beef and a pot of good wine!"
The hunters couldn’t see that the fourth and fifth in the back kitchen were resting, and the weasel immediately stood up or poured wine or cut meat and quickly got busy.
This is a wine shop located on the edge of a mountain forest, and it is also a monster post.
When Zhang Chusheng opened his eyes again, the Buddha’s light in his whole body had converged.
Waterfall Zhang Chusheng is as calm as an iron tower, and its muscles are coherent with the impact of running water.
"Congratulations, you are officially enlightened from today."
Corners of the mouth slightly raise smile seems to have expected PeiWenDe slowly get up.
Qiang Qiang!
Then listen to a sharp sword drawn suddenly rang.
Pei Wende’s Zen room weapon rack behind him, a handle of soft sword actually shot into the waterfall Zhang Chusheng without warning.
Jumped and took the familiar soft sword Zhang Chusheng handle. Without hesitation, he stepped on the water waves and rushed to the shore.
"Brother! Take it! "
Soft sword in Zhang Chusheng’s hand is like a spirit snake that suddenly screams like a snake.
That’s the tearing breath of the tip of the sword, and it’s also soft sword’s own explosive power.
Shaped like a whip, but with steel benefits, this is a "soft iron" sword.
"Good moves but insufficient strength"
Two fingers and a sword tactic Pei Wende is a one-handed finger and a long sword shot from the weapon rack and just stopped Zhang Chusheng’s fatal blow
Qiang Qiang! Qiang Qiang! Qiang Qiang!
The sharp sword collided with the gold and iron, and the shock wave kept coming out, which aroused several ripples in the pool.
However, the theory of Zhang Chusheng, such as adjusting the attack direction, Pei Wende finally moved to the shore. Only the long sword danced to block the other side from attacking again and again.
"You can certainly learn from your elder sister in swordsmanship and swordsmanship, but if you can’t keep up with your own strength, it’s just like painting a tiger according to a cat."
Pei Wende’s mouth kept flying with a long sword, but he didn’t stop yelling at Zhang Chusheng.
"Remember that there are no enemies in this world. There are enemies."
"If you stick to Xiaoqing’s teaching you swordsmanship, you will never be truly independent."
Speaking of which, Pei Wende also pinched a sword tactic with his other hand and drew a short blade from the weapon rack again.
This time, the short blade didn’t use the sword, and the speed alone was enough to make itself a sharp streamer.
Zhang Chusheng couldn’t dodge in the harsh sonic boom. He felt a stabbing pain in the eardrum and was instantly overturned by a method to resist copiously.
Burst …
After falling into the water clearly, Pei Wende left two natural weapons in front of him.
"Ahem …"
A moment later, when Zhang Chusheng rose from the pool again, he saw Pei Wende’s almost unchanging smile.
"Brother, is it just that serious?"
It’s rare to complain that Zhang Chusheng climbed ashore without waiting for Peiwende to reply.
"Speaking of which, it seems that the senior brother is responsible for going to the door today?"
"You should not be revenge I got up late yesterday? I really didn’t mean it! "
Chapter 13 Rain is coming, Morning Weishan
Chen Lu was a refugee a few years ago.
Wandering all the way, I saw all kinds of sinister roads until I came to Weishan and barely settled down.
Nowadays, Chen Lu has long since left the refugee status and become the unofficial "housekeeper" of Tongqing Temple, responsible for accepting and arranging pilgrims who come to Tongqing Temple to burn incense and pray for blessings.
When necessary, Chen Lu will also work part-time as an accountant, cook, handyman and other jobs.
However, Chen Lu didn’t complain about this, and even the wages were reluctantly accepted at the strong request of Zen Master Lingyou.
After all, money is a foreign object to Chen Lu, who is alone.
If he didn’t want to repay the debt, he would still be able to find a job in the mountains without saying how rich and expensive he was.
When Pei Wende left Tanzhou, Chen Lu tried his best to maintain the operation of Tongqing Temple, which not only did not reduce the number of pilgrims who came to burn incense and worship Buddha, but became more and more.
For a long time, both Zen Master Lingyou and Zhang Chusheng acquiesced in the status of Chenlu Tongqing Temple.
Pei Wende and Zhang Chusheng were still having morning classes when Chen Lushi had already arranged everything outdoors in perfect order, waiting for the door to meet the pilgrims.
However, there seems to be some exceptions today, because Chen Lu just got up and found Pei Wende knocking at the door of Tongqing Temple.
No.100 fine strong man went in and out and carried all kinds of objects and boxes to the backyard.
Thanks to Pei Hui’s insistence on renovating Tongqing Temple, both the scale and the number of students have been greatly increased. Otherwise, Tongqing Temple may not be able to put so many objects.
In addition, after a few days of careful observation, Chen Lu also found that the No.100 fine strong man seems to be no ordinary person.
Whether it’s the weapon that is different from ordinary people’s body shape, silent and capable, or that never leaves the body …
I don’t tell Chen Lu about these Han identities-this must be a group of active-duty warriors.
In addition to this group of soldiers, the three men and women who followed him to Tongqing Temple also appeared very abnormal.
The woman who wears a splendid robe and keeps a serious expression all the time will stop talking …
Chen Luke hasn’t seen any ordinary women who can stand up to Qing Niang.
If Pei Wende hadn’t successfully stopped the two female heroes from confronting Chen Lu when she found out, she wondered if they would fight on the spot.
In the remaining two performance is even more exaggerated.
The monk dressed up as a strong man threw himself at the sight of Zen master Lingyou, but he was ashamed to write the words "I am your fan"